AC-Hunter™ Community Edition

We’ve released a free version of AC-Hunter to ensure that “price” is not an inhibitor to threat hunting your environment. The free Community Edition of AC-Hunter has a majority of the functionality (with some limitations) that is available in the paid Enterprise Edition of AC-Hunter and retains the same powerful threat hunting analytics and network insights.
Happy Hunting!
Thank you for checking out AC-Hunter Community Edition! ACH CE is available as an install script or a VMWare virtual image. Which one you should choose depends on your specific user case.
Choose the Install Script if:
- You want to closely match a typical enterprise deployment
- You want to do a Proof of Concept (PoC) in your work environment
- You want the option of installing Zeek or one of our open source tools (like BeaKer)
Choose the VMWare VM Image if:
- You just want to set up ACH CE as quickly as possible to check it out
- You have Zeek logs or pcaps you want to manually copy over and analyze
Choose the VMWare VM Image instructions from John Strand’s Webcast if:
- You want to deploy ACH CE on your home network